Friday, June 23, 2006

Career Personality Test

Career Personality Test

Similar to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®Instrument


Tired of not getting the right job, being in a dead-end career, or not knowing which occupation is really right for you? Tickle's Career Personality Test will pinpoint your workplace strengths and direct you to a profession that best compliments your unique personality. MTBI, Myers-Briggs, and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust in the United States and other countries.


1. I look forward to going to work almost every day.

 Strongly agree



 Strongly disagree


2. When it comes to future goals, you like to:

 Carefully plan them all out

 Keep my options open


3. When I'm working on a new idea with a group of people:

 I just blurt out my ideas as fast as they come to me

 I end up doing a lot of talking

 I'll speak up when I have an especially good idea

 I give my input only when asked


4. Most of the time, your workspace is:

 Immaculate. Everything is in its proper place

 Pretty neat. I can find everything I need quickly

 Somewhat messy, but I know which piles to look in when I need to find things

 Messy. I keep a lot of clutter around me


5. If I have a problem or conflict with someone at work:

 I speak up right away

 I wait for an appropriate time, then bring it up

 I wait to see if the problem persists, then eventually say something about it

 I probably wouldn't say anything



6. When reading about something new, do you prefer to:

 Become an expert on one aspect of it

 Learn a little bit about everything related to it


7. If you got to choose any desk in the office, you'd sit:

 Where I could see everyone, and be in the middle of the action

 Where I could get some people traffic and still be close to my work friends

 Where I could get some privacy, but still be close to my work friends

 In the quietest spot


8. When making decisions, it's better to:

 Go with my gut

 Go with the facts



9. When I receive good news at work:

 I immediately share the news with everyone I can

 I immediately let my close colleagues know about it

 I eventually tell a close colleague about it

 I keep the good news to myself


10. How would you feel if you were the center of attention getting praised by colleagues for your work?

 I'd feel great! I'd stand up and give everyone on my team a high-five or a thumbs-up

 I'd be really pleased and flash a wide smile

 I'd be embarrassed but would manage a quick and modest smile

 I'd be pretty embarrassed and would probably bow my head until it was over


11. I think it's important to explore and learn more about myself.

 Strongly agree



 Strongly disagree



12. I'm content with my current career path.

 Strongly agree



 Strongly disagree


13. If you could go to one of the following seminars for free, which would you attend?

 "A step-by-step practical guide to planning your career"

 "Exploring new possibilities and directions with your career"


14. How closely do you track your finances?

 I always know my exact account balance

 I usually have a fairly good idea of what my account balance is

 I don't really pay much attention to my balance outside my monthly statements

 I don't really know my account balance


15. When solving a problem, you focus most on:

 The short-term results

 The long-term results


16. When a colleague criticizes certain aspects of my work:

 I am hurt and take their comments personally

 I am slightly hurt and tell myself not to take it personally

 I am a little surprised, but tell myself that it is only business

 I don't mind; we both know it's only business


17. Your friend has invited you to a weekend getaway but you have a huge deadline on Monday. You:

 Go anyway. You'll somehow get your work done in time

 Go, but come home early so you can work on Sunday to meet your deadline

 Pass on the trip. I need to stay home to make sure I get my work done


18. I'm happier when:

 I'm starting a new project

 I'm finishing up a project


19. When making a tough decision that will hurt other co-workers, you:

 Make the decision that comes closest to pleasing everyone

 Focus on minimizing the negative impact on my colleagues

 Make the best decision for the company, but talk to those I impacted negatively

 Make my decision based only on the facts presented to me


20. After an exhausting week at work, you'd rather relax by:

 Staying at home, watching some TV, or reading a book

 Going out with friends and family


21. Imagine that you are the head of a small company. You have to lay-off either Sandy, a 15-year employee, or Joanne, who just joined your team last year. They're equally valuable, though Sandy costs the company a bit more. Who do you let go?

 Sandy. She's more expensive and I need to think about the bottom line

 Joanne. Sandy deserves loyalty from the company


22. You have to tell a loved one something that is good for them, but that will hurt their feelings. What do you do?

 I tell them the whole truth, even though it may hurt

 I tell the truth, but let them know how hard it was for me to do so

 I basically tell the truth, but try to soften some of the harsher aspects of it

 I pad the truth and try to hint at the main points


23. You'd rather be described as:




24. One of your valuable employees is dealing with a difficult personal crisis beyond their control. They ask to take the week off with pay. How do you respond?

 I'd give it to them. Life can be complicated sometimes

 I'd ask them to take personal days, but give them a chance to make it up in overtime

 I'd ask them to use their personal days and submit documentation proving where they were


25. When do you allow your feelings to help guide decisions?

 Only when they are logical

 Only when they help me achieve my goals

 Always. Feelings are always valid guides


26. If you're trying to research something at the library, do you sit:

 In a public room with many people around me

 In a private area with very few people around me


27. When you're driving somewhere you've only been once before, you:

 Pull out the map and get the exact directions

 Glance at a map, but wing it from there

 Rely on my gut. I can always ask for help if I get lost


28. After you attend a meeting, how do you share what you've learned with friends or co-workers?

 I describe every detail of the day from beginning to end

 I list off, in detail, the practical information I learned

 I tell them how inspiring the key points were

 I tell them about the fresh, general approaches we can look forward to in the future


29. When someone comes up with a "new" plan or procedure, you usually think:

 Irritated. Things run more smoothly with the established procedures

 Slightly apprehensive. I might not be comfortable with the new routine

 Interested. I like changing things up so that I don't get bored

 Excited. I like staying on the cutting edge and experimenting


30. Which of the following faults are you guilty of?

 I'm too forgiving and a pushover

 I'm too critical and unyielding


31. Imagine your company just instituted a new policy regarding travel expenses — no reimbursements without a receipt. You're in charge of enforcing it, but an employee forgot the new rule and threw out a $100 receipt. Would you reimburse them?

 No. Rules are rules

 Probably not. It's unfair to make exceptions to the rule

 I might, but I'd remind them of the rule change

 Yes. This is a new rule so it's natural for people to need some adjustment time


32. When faced with difficult choices, what helps guide your decision?






33. When you receive a special offer in the mail you:

 Read the letter immediately, then either throw out the offer, or order the product

 Read the letter immediately, but throw out the offer or order the product in a few days

 Put the letter in a pile, and look at it in a few days

 Put the letter in a pile until I open it and realize the deadline has passed


34. What comes first for you, work or play?

 Work comes before play

 Work comes first, but I schedule in play time

 Play time comes first, but I get my work done around it

 Play comes before work. You only live so long


35. I feel like I'm in a rut with my job.

 Strongly agree



 Strongly disagree


36. When you're at a standstill in a meeting without a clear solution in sight, you suggest:

 We continue to work on it immediately until we come up with a final solution

 We work on it until we come up with a temporary solution

 We break and set up a meeting in a week once we've had some time to think about it

 We break and take some time to think about the issues before coming back to it a later date


37. When you're assigned a new project, you first think about:

 Establishing firm dates and deadlines

 The way I'll approach the work


38. I look for ways to improve myself.

 Strongly agree



 Strongly disagree


Hope all this will be much helpful to all of you! Just posted @ >>> The ultimate tech blog


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