Sunday, June 18, 2006

Phrasal Life!

Phrasal Life :: Life that's paraphrenal

As Shakespeare went in his “Seven ages of man”-‘All the world’s a stage; and all the men and women merely players. They have their entrance and exit.’ It is the time rightly to be practiced absolutely... to sun the path of hatred, jealousy and misunderstanding and to resume the journey of love and peace; he needs to follow wishes for the nation to build it up and the vision of others, a missionary vision.


Chronological paths, some parallel paths, convergent paths, undefined paths, the paths that these long stands lead to a journey just not a journey: a sphere of life, love and liberty (the three Ls), absolute madness exhibited by all and an old man is twice a child. Innumerous instances of these burnt brutalities are not only by worried world peace boundaries but also the rich ambition of leaders. Only the youths have immune power to present the nation with its shining glory of its zenith. As Bacon ‘Some books are to be tested, others to be swallowed and some to be chewed and digested’, one should be able to know and experience, treat or react but with others. ‘A revolution is not a dinner party’, Mao Tse Tung was better of people to awake them with free thinkings and creativeness; and the removal of bigotry and prejudice or nepotism. Besides great achievements, victim of its own success can’t lead the nation to the path of progress. Let the journey of ultimate world peace keep on and prey the invisible father for the purpose… Let the night be not so dark as if all the stars seem dead. Down is on, get up quick.


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