Monday, November 13, 2006

Reserved Optimist

As long as humans exist, new theories will continually be propounded. But the most opf those, sadly, will only serve to confound our already much-addled brains.


It seems to me that we focus on negatives in our lives with such fervency that the rare sprouts of happiness rarely survive the hullabaloos of desperation. Yes! My life is dogged with unprecedented boredom I have never known before, and it often is very difficult for me to go on. Each day seems like an eternal existential struggle, with nothing but tenuous threads of optimism to cling to.


Nothing new. The same old room, the same odds and ends sprawled everywhere, the same old radio tunes,, the same old dithering mind, now slap-happy, now pulling my sprits down with pathetic thoughts. And so my days begin, as they always will, in a similar vein.

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